The hair transplant procedure has become widely recognized in contemporary society. Increased awareness of cosmetic procedures can be attributed to the growing number of centers offering these services and the rising aesthetic concerns among individuals. Professions that involve client interaction often require a polished appearance and youthful looks, prompting many to pursue cosmetic interventions to enhance their youthful appearance. The incidence of hair loss is on the rise, which may be linked to changes in lifestyle and environmental factors. Initially, many individuals seek natural remedies to address hair loss issues. Additionally, there are various other treatment options available for hair loss, including PRP therapy, wigs, extensions, and medications.

hair transplant cost in delhi

hair transplant cost in delhi

The hair transplant procedure is a surgical intervention aimed at restoring hair by extracting hair follicles from designated areas of the body and subsequently implanting them into the balding regions. The hair grafts are obtained through either the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method or the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. Only those hair follicles that are classified as permanent are selected from the donor site, ensuring lasting results. At Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic, this procedure is conducted by the esteemed surgeon Dr. Suneet Soni, who assesses the treatment for hair loss based on the specific characteristics of the hair loss, the scalp’s anatomy, and the patient’s preferences.

In a hair transplant procedure, hair follicles that are resistant to DHT, or dihydrotestosterone, are harvested from the donor site. These permanent hair follicles are typically extracted from specific regions such as the back and sides of the head, the chest, the armpits, and the beard. The extraction process is conducted with precision to ensure that no damage occurs to the follicles. The genetic characteristics of the hair are contained within the roots themselves. Consequently, when these roots are transplanted, they retain the properties of their original location rather than adapting to the characteristics of the scalp. As a result, the outcomes of the procedure are enduring.

The healing period following a hair transplant generally spans 7 to 10 days. During this time, it is essential to adhere to the precautions provided by your physician to ensure both safety and the success of the treatment. Some individuals may experience mild side effects such as swelling, discomfort, or itching, which typically resolve on their own within a few days’ post-procedure. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the transplant, making it a convenient option that does not disrupt a busy lifestyle. Once the recovery phase is complete, the transplanted hair requires no ongoing maintenance.

Contemporary techniques of hair transplant

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT hair transplant)

The FUT hair transplant technique has seen significant advancements, making it possible to achieve highly aesthetic outcomes. Let us explore the detailed process of the FUT hair transplant, commonly known as the strip technique.

  1. The design of the hairline is established and temporarily marked with a marker to serve as a guide.
  2. Depending on the procedure and the patient’s requirements, the hair is either trimmed or left untouched.
  3. A narrow strip measuring approximately 1.5 to 2 centimeters is excised from the donor area located at the back and sides of the head.
  4. This strip is then taken to the graft separation room, where a team of technicians meticulously dissects it under a video-assisted high magnification microscope to harvest each hair graft.
  5. The donor area is subsequently sutured using a trichophytic closure technique.
  6. Slits are prepared in the recipient area where the transplantation will occur.
  7. The transplantation is executed in accordance with the predetermined hairline design.

Things to consider while undergoing FUT hair transplant

A crucial aspect to consider when undergoing a FUT hair transplant is the historical criticism regarding the linear scarring that can occur at the donor site after the area has healed. However, the current status of this technique has improved significantly. The advantages of FUT have been enhanced by the introduction of trichophytic closure, which effectively minimizes the visibility of scarring. This innovative method allows for a seamless healing process, resulting in scars that are nearly indistinguishable, akin to those seen with FUE hair transplants.

In trichophytic closure, one side of the incision is beveled, enabling the incision lines to overlap during the closure process. This configuration promotes healing that results in scars that are almost imperceptible. Furthermore, it facilitates hair growth over the incision line, which aids in concealing the nearly invisible scar beneath the newly grown hair.


A crucial aspect to consider when undergoing a FUT hair transplant is the historical criticism regarding the linear scarring that can occur at the donor site after the area has healed. However, the current status of this technique has improved significantly. The advantages of FUT have been enhanced by the introduction of trichophytic closure, which minimizes the visibility of scarring. This innovative method allows for a more seamless healing process, resulting in scars that are nearly indistinguishable, akin to those seen with FUE hair transplants.

In trichophytic closure, one side of the incision is beveled, enabling the incision lines to overlap during the closure process. This configuration facilitates healing with minimal scarring. Furthermore, it promotes hair growth over the incision line, effectively concealing the nearly invisible scar beneath the newly grown hair.

Indications of FUT hair transplant

  1. This technique facilitates the treatment of significant baldness by enabling the transplantation of a greater number of grafts.
  2. There is a growing interest in the no-shave procedure.
  3. There is an increasing demand for high-density hair transplants.
  4. Young patients require careful preservation of hair grafts for potential future procedures.

Benefits of FUT hair transplant

Let us now examine the benefits of the FUT hair transplant method:

  1. This approach facilitates the extraction of approximately 3000 to 3500 hair grafts, making it particularly effective for addressing significant hair loss, especially in cases where a high-density hair transplant is required.
  2. The technique ensures the preservation of the donor area, as only a narrow strip is removed, allowing for future procedures to be conducted.
  3. The method reduces the damage rate of hair grafts, as the harvesting process is conducted under high magnification, providing enhanced visibility of the grafts.
  4. Similar to the FUE technique, there is no concern regarding scarring at the donor site, and the aesthetic outcomes are notably impressive.

Where to go for undergoing FUT hair transplant?

 Medispa hair transplant clinic has emerged as the preferred option for both local and international clients seeking hair transplant services. Our reputation is built on several key factors.

Allow us to explain what sets us apart.

  1. Dr. Suneet Soni ranks among the leading physicians globally, recognized for his exceptional success rates and his ability to deliver hair transplants that appear remarkably natural. His proficiency lies in crafting natural hairlines that look authentically natural during the transplant procedure.
  2. Our hair transplant team is the largest and most distinguished in India. We provide top-tier hair transplant services and facilities, with a team that has been with us for over a decade, bringing extensive experience to our practice.
  3. Our technology is of the highest standard. We employ the most advanced techniques, tools, and equipment to ensure a safe, complication-free, and superior hair transplant experience for our clients.
  4. We are renowned for offering high-quality hair transplant services at budget-friendly prices. There are no hidden fees, which underscores our commitment to transparency. Consequently, the hair transplant costat our center is both fair and reasonable.

Medispa clinic, specializing in hair transplants in Delhi and Jaipur, has emerged as the preferred choice for both national and international clients. We pride ourselves on being one of the leading centers, offering high-quality services, state-of-the-art equipment, and world-class facilities at competitive prices.

Combination technique of FUT and FUE hair transplant?

The innovative approach of Combine FUT and FUE hair transplant is pursued to perform hair transplant in India is currently offered at only a select few centers, with Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic being one of the prominent providers. The clinic specializes in this combination technique, having successfully completed numerous cases that yielded remarkable results. This method involves harvesting hair follicles through both FUT and FUE techniques within a single session. The FUT technique allows for the extraction of the maximum number of hair follicles, while the FUE technique is employed to gather the remaining follicles. This combination technique can facilitate the harvesting of over 4,000 hair follicles, with approximately 3,000 obtained through FUT and around 1,500 through FUE. The technique presents several advantages for individuals experiencing both low-grade and high-grade baldness. We will now discuss the reasons for our preference for the combination technique in addressing these varying degrees of baldness.

Low grade baldness (grade III and IV)

  1. The donor region may be conserved for future use.
  2. This technique can yield superior aesthetic outcomes.
  3. A narrow and diminutive strip can be employed in the process of extracting hair follicles.
  4. The disruption of the donor area can be reduced to a minimum.

High grade baldness (Grade V):

In cases of this particular type of baldness, utilizing an individual technique may not yield the necessary quantity of hair follicles. Therefore, the combination technique is recommended for the procedure. For advanced stages of baldness, specifically grades VI or VII, the combination technique involving Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) along with Body Hair Transplantation (BHT) is the most suitable approach. This method can effectively deliver over 4500 hair follicles in a single session.

What are the benefits of Combination technique of FUT and FUE over individual FUT technique?

There are several compelling reasons to favor the combination technique of FUT and FUE in cases of extensive baldness. These reasons include:

  1. This approach enables the hair transplant surgeon to obtain a greater number of hair grafts, ensuring sufficient coverage of the balding areas.
  2. It allows for substantial coverage to be achieved in a single session, even in severe cases of hair loss.
  3. The technique reduces the risk of damage to hair grafts, as the FUE method is associated with a higher rate of follicle damage.
  4. Additionally, this method supports the incorporation of grafts harvested from body hair transplantation (BHT) in the design of the hairline.

Consequently, this method offers numerous advantages in cases of significant baldness. At Medispa clinic for hair transplant in Jaipurand Delhi, we utilize the most advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology for hair transplants. We are among the select few centers in India that provide the Combination technique, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to excellence in expertise. If you are considering a hair transplant, we invite you to visit Medispa hair transplant clinic in Jaipur or Delhi for the most informed guidance and the highest quality treatment for your hair loss.

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jaipur hair transplant cost